"Not So Home Alone" Christmas

Posted on Wednesday, December 25, 2013 |

Last night, I decided to stay home alone instead of going to with my relatives house to celebrate Christmas.  I felt tired from being with so many people for the past days and thought that the best way to relax this holiday season is by staying inside the house.  No traffic and no people - strange ones especially!

It was a sort of experiment I brought to myself if I can survive Christmas on my own. And yes,  I survived it with the help of our neighbor whose name I still can't recall.  I just call her "Ate."   The experiment was a failure because I knew myself as a social being and I love human interaction.   So choosing to be alone sounded very pathetic.  After such a late realization, I went to this "Ate's" house and drank two bottles of beer at her place.  She offered me some "humba" which is pork fat swimming in a sea of soy sauce with oil and some fruit salad too.  I politely declined because I planned of coming back the next day.  I'm not and you too are not allowed to have a full meal before going to bed unless you want to die a peaceful death because of acute pancreatitis.  This has got to be proven yet but it seems so real I don't want to not follow it.  

I felt like I was such a free loader because after finishing my beer, I said my goodbyes and went straight to my room to sleep.  Thank you "Ate" for adopting me last night, you don't know how much it meant to me.  

On the other hand, three people I know lost their loved ones.  Its so difficult.  I can't imagine it happening to me.  This brings me to another level of paranoia and  I wanted to pray for their strength.  I wish them comfort and peace in their hearts.  Such sad memories for their holiday.  Please send my friends your prayers too.  I'd appreciate it a lot.  

On a lighter note, I am excited for this weekend because I am going home.  I'll finally see my family for almost a year of just being a figment of their imagination.  

I will be blogging about it and hopefully I won't be too busy to forget.  

Merry Christmas to everyone and since I am trying to learn German with the help of Duolingo let me say "Fröhe Weinachten!"

PS: Had to get a screenshot of the photo I posted on Instagram because I accidentally deleted the selfies from last night.  xOxO


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